
Volunteering with Fe y Alegría Peru

Who are we?

The Fe y Alegría Perú volunteer program aims to contribute to the training of people who are part of the construction of a more just and caring Peru.
In a humanistic approach, the volunteer program also has as an objective the permanent growth of individuals with a capability to transcend.

Who is invited?

We invite all kinds of people of goodwill to participate in our volunteer program that meet the requirements. We especially invite alumni of Fe y Alegría Peru who have been enriched with our training processes. We also welcome organizations and companies that fight for quality, equitable and inclusive public education.
The Fe y Alegría Peru volunteer program “Transformando corazones” (“Transforming hearts”) is open to all people born in Peru or abroad, whether or not they are residing in our country.

“We are looking for friends and collaborators, for we need almost infinite allies in order to progressively overcome the nearly infinite task that awaits us.”

P. José María Vélaz, founder of Fe y Alegría.

How to go above and beyond?

Carry out the some of the following activities:

1.   School reinforcement (Primary, secondary, EBA, and Cetpro levels)

Volunteers that help children, adolescents, and adults that have learning difficulties or who request greater aid in the development of their personal skills and abilities.

2.  Specialized Consulting

Professionals in the last years of their studies (undergraduate and graduate) or recent graduates, who can provide consulting services to a specific audience of educational institutions through different ways, such as, permanent or temporary workshops, lectures, webinars, and among many.

 3.  Institutional campaigns

Leaders with innovative ideas that can work with a group of campaigns and/or accompany and encourage the participation of additional volunteers

4.  Defined spaces that promote creativity and innovation

People that can design and implement permanent or specific workshops of a playful nature, that allow the development of the creative, artistic, and innovative side, as well as develop the emotional intelligence in directors, teachers, and students.

5.  Corporate level, develop your social responsibility with us

Institutions, organizations, or companies that promote volunteering as a form of their social responsibility programs or initiatives.

What areas do we serve?

  • In institutions EBR-E, EBA, CETPRO, and IESTP of Fe y Alegría or in sister schools of II.EE. from Fe y Alegría across the country.
  • In the digital platforms of Fe y Alegría Peru (websites and social media)
  • In specific campaigns organized by the Oficina Nacional de Fe y Alegría (National Office of Fe y Alegría)
  • In the Oficina Nacional de Fe y Alegría (National Office of Fe y Alegría) in Jesús María, Lima-Perú

What is next?

  • We receive the application and interview each applicant
  • We provide orientation workshops and information about the protocols of the job with the population that Fe y Alegría serves.
  • We sign a commitment with the volunteer to confirms the activities that will be carried out as a volunteer
  • We share key critical information about the population and the context in which the work will be carried out.
  • Periodically, we evaluate the volunteer’s actions, offering, if applicable, new alternative ways to contribute.
  • We give the volunteers a certificate of participation, in accordance with their time of contribution. If desired, they can also enter this certificate into the Sistema Nacional de Voluntariado (National Volunteer System) (SINAVOL).

What requirements do I need?

  • Be older than 18.
  • Have a call to serve and the time availability.
  • Have the capacity to adapt in diverse environments, and excellent social and emotional management abilities.
  • Have the appropriate skills and knowledge for the activities in which you are applying to volunteer.
  • Contact us via email: voluntariado@feyalegria.org.pe

By volunteering, we all learn and nurture ourselves by sharing skills and abilities with people that have their own.
The objective is to grow together in our dimension of transcendence, affirming solidarity as the link of relationship that humanizes us.

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