
Strategic Pillars and Objectives

Identity and Mission

Fe y Alegría is characterized by being located on the “new frontiers” where there are situations of vulnerability and people who are invisible or discriminated against because of their culture, socioeconomic level, gender, or migratory situation.  Through its educational action, it trains people for democratic coexistence, critical reflection, ethical discernment and the search for coherence between thought and action for the transformation of their own contexts.


Strategic Objective:

To revitalize in all actors the identity, mission and sense of belonging to the movement, within the framework of an educational commitment and personal and social transformation.


Quality Educational Proposal

We are committed to offering a diverse education that reaches people from different territories, that is relevant to their culture and their lives. This commitment entails democratic management, updated teachers, effective pedagogical processes and students who achieve competencies for life and the exercise of full citizenship, within the framework of a socio-environmental vision, gender equity, inclusion and interculturalism.


Strategic Objective:

To provide students with a comprehensive education with the necessary learning for life and citizenship through efficient, pertinent and relevant pedagogical and management processes.

Innovation and Knowledge Building

Fe y Alegría promotes processes of innovation, systematization and educational research that provide new alternatives for improvement to the complex scenarios that students face. It does this through through incorporating the knowledge of local communities and recovering good practices and successful experiences born from the creativity of its managers, teachers and students.
Fe y Alegría is proposed as a laboratory for public education through projects that allow it to experiment with and validate creative proposals that can be shared with other educational institutions and cooperative organizations, in alliance with the State.


Strategic Objective:

To make Fe y Alegría a laboratory of innovative and proven educational approaches.


Advocacy for Social Change

Fe y Alegría develops permanent public action with the intention of generating opinion, debate and proposals that favor the development or strengthening of policies to improve education in the country. It works in alliance with civil society and the State at local, regional and national levels in order to coordinate action, as well as to share and contribute from the experiences of its educational institutions.


Strategic Objective:

To influence the formulation of policies for inclusion and improvement of education, calling on national and international public opinion and bringing together different actors: authorities, companies, and diverse organizations.


Fe y Alegría continuously cares for the continuity of its mission and the fulfillment of its objectives. It is concerned about achieving a sustainable institutional framework, the transparency of its functions, processes and procedures, the generation of a culture of planning, evaluation and accountability, the development and promotion of its collaborators.


Strategic Objective:

Ensure institutional and budgetary support for Fe y Alegría’s educational project, guaranteeing the necessary conditions and strategies for accomplishing its mission.

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