
What We Propose

As a public education, Fe y Alegría’s educational proposal is always aligned with the official educational proposals; However, from our experience, we contribute elements that can enrich it.
Fe y Alegría shares its way of doing quality public education, through its educational proposal, the transversal approaches it assumes and the pedagogical principles it applies.

Our pedagogical proposal

Fe y Alegría’s educational proposal describes approaches and options that characterize the institution’s priorities in fulfilling its mission to achieve contextualized, inclusive and transformative education.
In addition to having a common educational proposal for all the educational institutions that it groups together, it is at the same time flexible to respond to the various realities where their are located.
The three pillars of his proposal are: popular education, education in values ​​and education in and for work.

To form:

>> People aware of their potential, empowered ,leaders of their personal development, and open to transcendence.


>> People with an attitude of growth, self-improvement, respect, appreciation and commitment to cultural diversity and search for an answer to the challenges of reality.


>> People with civic and democratic training who seek to influence and transform the historical reality and overcome exclusion and injustice.

To form:

>> People capable of thinking for themselves, discerning and making critical decisions and assuming responsibilities out of personal conviction and seeking the common good.


>> People aware of their transforming capacity, which is based on the ethical principles of the primacy of the person, solidarity, fraternity, justice and equity.


>>People committed to those around them and to their natural and social environment based on the discovery and assumption of human and Christian values.

To form:

>>People who discover their capacities and positive attitudes towards work to transform reality and be an agent of change.


>> People who develop skills to adapt and create technological resources that contribute to the competitive insertion of the country in the international market and to forms of sustainable development of a society with equity and justice for all.


>> People with entrepreneurial capacity through the adaptation and creation of technological resources that contribute to the development of the country.

Transversal Approaches

Pedagogical Principles

Institutional Programs

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